Sunday, July 18, 2010

Flying Circus VII

Will he upgrade?

Jose Philip D’Souza, Minister for Revenue

Mercifully, he is not much of a frequent flier. He made 24 flights during that same period. But, now that he has become the National Congress President, heaven help us! Pray that his fairly regular patronage of Economy Class (ten of 24 flights) does not change.

2008 High Maintenance

06-07 May, Mumbai-Delhi, Rs 16,463+355, total Rs 16,818; 10-19, May, Mumbai-Delhi, Rs 31,538+2,600, total Rs 34,138; a one-dayer on 5 May flying Mumbai-Bangalore, Rs 13,190+95, total Rs 13,285; 02-03 July, Mumbai, Rs 8,400+442, total Rs 8,842. His next five flights including one in 2009 (all but one Economy Class) took him to Delhi, that I speculate happened at the behest of the National Congress Party or the G-7 and that as in the case of the Dhavlikar Brothers Inc, is costing us plenty. The Dhavlikar Brothers, you would know if you have been following this column in the past, burnt up a lot of your tax bucks on account of all the litigation over the disqualification petitions that were fought in the Supreme Court because of them. 1) 25-26 July, Delhi, Rs 31,055+520, total Rs 31,575. 2) 17-18 August, Delhi, Rs 27,432+405, total Rs 27,837. 3) 11-12 September, Delhi, Rs 24,637+405, total Rs 25,042. 4) 22-23 October, Delhi, Rs 24,195+318, total Rs 24,513. So not only do you shell out big bucks to maintain them in high office but also when they get flirty with other political parties.

2009 Missing in Goa

5) 06-08 August, Delhi, total Rs 11,850. As you can see, all but this flight were the typical quick overnight visitations to Delhi, like quickies - in and out- just about enough time to pay obeisance to their political masters or, be told come back again which I am informed happens frequently. If the CM and Vishawajeet Rane are regulars at Tirupati, then Churchill, Joaquim and even Jose Philip put the shrine of Annai Velankani in Nagapattinam on their agenda. Which is why you see them heading to Trichy, the closest airport to Nagapattinam.

Jose Philip’s quick flights to Delhi dominated the year, like so; 19-20 January, Mumbai-Delhi, Rs 24,585+442, total Rs 25,027; 28-29 January, Delhi, total Rs 14,460; 28 Feb-01 March, total Rs 13,799. In fact Jose Philip probably spent more time in Delhi in January and in March than the two central ministers MK Alagiri and Mamata Banerjee who regularly go AWOL even during cabinet meetings. 03-06 March, Mumbai-Lucknow-Mumbai, total Rs 20,458; 11-13 March, Mumbai-Delhi-Mumbai, total Rs 24,755; 30 April-2 May, Mumbai, total Rs 8,458; 26 May-01 June, Madras-Trichy-Madras, Rs 28,808+1,395, total 30,203; 02-03 June, Delhi-Mumbai, Rs 16,367+520, total Rs 16,887; 18-20 August, Delhi, Rs 15,006+665, total Rs 15,671; 29-30 August, Mumbai-Delhi-Mumbai, Rs 28,200+483, total Rs 28,683; 25-27 September, Mumbai, Rs 8,785+702, total Rs 9,487. He flew thrice to Mumbai/Delhi in a single month: 1) 06-10 December, Mumbai, Rs 7,074+1,222, total Rs 8,296. 2) 19-20 December, Delhi, Rs 16,250+405, total Rs 16,655. 3) A one-dayer to Delhi on 21 December that cost you Rs 33,599. And another one-dayer to Mumbai on 8 January 2010 that cost you Rs 17,608. And like me you might wonder what more can our montris achieve in a day in Delhi or Mumbai that cannot be done over the mobile. Is it because neither side trusts each other, and therefore need to eyeball each other? After all, the carry-case lie detector like the portable blood pressure monitor hasn’t been invented yet.

The Flying Club Cost so far:

Vishwajeet Rane Rs 17,56,397

Churchill Alemao Rs 14,28,633

Digambar Kamat Rs 13,26,144

Joaquim Alemao Rs 12,34,442

Mickky Pacheco Rs 11,98,946

Babush Monseratte Rs 6,48,115

Babu Azgaonkar Rs 1,87,986

Dayanand Narvekar Rs 1,36,275

Ravi Naik Rs 4,08,749

Filipe Rodrigues Rs 40,306

Jose Philip D’Souza Rs 4,79,446

Grand Total: Rs 88,45,439

“It is a Bullshit”

Famous last words of drug peddler-in-denial Yaniv Benhaim a.k.a Atala. He used them to describe almost everything except himself, which if he did, would be the only truth he ever spoke. Famous last words because by the time you read this, he would have flown the coop. If he hasn’t it is only because Atala has decided to stay back to learn more from our politicians courtesy the Goa Police deliberately bungling the investigation. Where do you think he learnt to blame the media for getting into a spot and also to deny afterwards that a top politician’s son is involved in drug peddling? Huh, where? It’s from our politicians. Look at it this way, stay back and he gets to at least learn which Notary Public has a valid license if push comes to shove and he ends up needing an affidavit to be notarised. If he sticks around Ravi Naik and Digambar Kamat) can use his ‘innocence’ as a reference on Goa being drug-free. Why, he could even join the Congress which is looking for recruits, now that he is ‘free from all sin.’ Where do you think the police got the idea of going to Sweden to interrogate the Israeli’s ex-girlfriend Lucky Farmhouse? From the Flying Circus, of course. With a name like that, the trip to Sweden would be a breeze. I am not being sarcastic. There is a cheaper solution, put him through a lie detector. Lie detectors don’t take BS.

P.S. Take note, he didn’t deny his allegation that certain journos were on his payroll. Interesting!

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